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den9 07-08-2009 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by DC2.2GSR (Post 1428467)
okay, i'll take one too. lol.

just found out that a kid i used to be good friends with in high school has a Barrett M82A1, a Cheytac .408 and a couple ARs. :bigeek: i saw him out at a bar this weekend and got talking to him about his rifles. evidently he has some land to use for 'sniping' and wants to go shoot sometime soon. you'd better believe that i'm going to take pics and post 'em up here!!

the chey-tac is sweet, i wouldnt believe him until i seen it.i dont understand why the m99 is half the price of a m82, just because its semi auto.

i think id take a remington 700 .300 win mag completely customized for sniping over the cheytac, for the price. you cant even buy live cheytac rounds as far as i know. the chey tac has a sweet ballistic calculator, but this thing is sick.

blkZ06 07-08-2009 09:53 PM

Ive learned not to doubt anyone but anyone who claims to own two sniper rifles valued in the ballpark of $20000+ needs to have a shoot session with said rifles

den9 07-08-2009 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by blkZ06 (Post 1429513)
Ive learned not to doubt anyone but anyone who claims to own two sniper rifles valued in the ballpark of $20000+ needs to have a shoot session with said rifles

also the best rifles in the world wont make you a good shooter. and 99 percent of the people are probably better shooters with a .308 compared to a scary ass .50bmg

Soon2bG60 07-08-2009 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by den9 (Post 1429525)
also the best rifles in the world wont make you a good shooter. and 99 percent of the people are probably better shooters with a .308 compared to a scary ass .50bmg


What other guns shoot a 7.62? I know M14..? Ak.. and that nosin mugant posted before..?

blkZ06 07-08-2009 10:19 PM

sks and ak variants, m-30 etc shoot 7.62x39

the mosin nagat is 7.62x54 or something like that

Soon2bG60 07-08-2009 10:40 PM

damn.. I really wana shoot a stub nose .357 for some odd reason. Im not a fan of revovlers but i really wana try one.

blkZ06 07-08-2009 10:45 PM

revolvers are the hot ****, a lot of swat guys I know carry them they go off everytime you pull the trigger

Soon2bG60 07-08-2009 10:50 PM

Hmm... I wana shoot one now.

DC2.2GSR 07-09-2009 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by blkZ06 (Post 1429513)
Ive learned not to doubt anyone but anyone who claims to own two sniper rifles valued in the ballpark of $20000+ needs to have a shoot session with said rifles


Originally Posted by den9 (Post 1429525)
also the best rifles in the world wont make you a good shooter. and 99 percent of the people are probably better shooters with a .308 compared to a scary ass .50bmg

i'm going to get out there with him ASAP. like i said, i used to be friends with the guy, but before the other night i hadn't even seen him in about 7 years. evidently he does nothing but work and sleep and shoot his rifles. not much else. he owns a house and seems to have his financial situation pretty well worked out so i wouldn't doubt that he has the two rifles and more.

as far as the rifle making the shooter, he's not like that at all. he doesn't think that he's some kind of badass video game kind of sniper just because he has the rifles, the way he talks about them it seems like it's just his version of the car addiction that a lot of us here suffer from. seems like he just loves his guns and isn't afraid to spend good money for good ones.

i dunno, i'm going to talk to him this weekend again and see what's up.

den9 07-09-2009 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by DC2.2GSR (Post 1429729)
i'm going to get out there with him ASAP. like i said, i used to be friends with the guy, but before the other night i hadn't even seen him in about 7 years. evidently he does nothing but work and sleep and shoot his rifles. not much else. he owns a house and seems to have his financial situation pretty well worked out so i wouldn't doubt that he has the two rifles and more.

as far as the rifle making the shooter, he's not like that at all. he doesn't think that he's some kind of badass video game kind of sniper just because he has the rifles, the way he talks about them it seems like it's just his version of the car addiction that a lot of us here suffer from. seems like he just loves his guns and isn't afraid to spend good money for good ones.

i dunno, i'm going to talk to him this weekend again and see what's up.

make sure u get pics and video of these guns, not for proof, just entertainment

Soon2bG60 07-09-2009 09:35 PM

Buddy got a Smith and Wesson .500 i think? Damn things as long / big as my forearm!

dragonfly2k3 07-10-2009 07:27 AM

lol. my previous boss has one, ridiculous guns if you ask me.

den9 07-10-2009 09:50 AM

they are for back country survival fun

Soon2bG60 07-10-2009 11:23 AM

Id be scared.. lol

OMGz Turbo 07-10-2009 04:21 PM

Picking up my Glock 31 tonight before dinner!!! CANT WAIT!

Anyone have experience with the 31?

den9 07-10-2009 06:41 PM

my dad finally got his kimber custon covert II with crimson trace grips. the thing is really small. no pics unfortunately

but this is the exact same model, it has a master on/off switch for the laser, then the black thing in the front u push when ur grip with ur middle finger, and the laser shoots from the top of the grip where theres a bump.

den9 07-10-2009 06:59 PM

this thing is pretty sick, its kinda small too, 25 pounds single shot 50bmg. im not sure if its new or used but it was 4 grand. its been sitting there for atleast 2 months. its such a simple machine, minimal moving parts.

edit-pic fail

den9 07-10-2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by OMGz Turbo (Post 1431604)
Picking up my Glock 31 tonight before dinner!!! CANT WAIT!

Anyone have experience with the 31?

i have experience with a 17, pretty much all identical. easy to shoot, i like the sights.

why a .357 sig? its fun and nasty round to shoot, but extremely expensive. if i was going with that round i would of picked up a p229, or a hk p200/2000

armyguy6566 07-10-2009 08:24 PM

i want the M1911 .45. that's my fav had gun.

den9 07-10-2009 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by armyguy6566 (Post 1431802)
i want the M1911 .45. that's my fav had gun.

biased or no?

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