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awdlaserbeam 04-15-2006 01:26 AM

Relative has a glock 27. Awesome gun, no complaints. Day i turn 21 i am buying one, thats the only reason i dont have one now

wonner 04-15-2006 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by TimmahWRX
that's quite the fun collection!

I should have elaborated my 2 roomates and my freinds collection.
But I love shooting them all. My fav though is my buddies Mac 10....what a blast :mrgreen: .

Chair-Force 04-15-2006 03:49 PM

I like guns but I'm getting sick of them being here.
I carry my Colt M4 and Beretta M9 here everyday which requires hauling around 7 magazines (30 rds each) of 5.56 and 2 clips (15 rds each) of 9mm.

the mike 04-15-2006 08:40 PM

I am so down for a TST range night.

I picked up a CZ75 P-01 about a year ago and have yet to put a round through it. Everyone says "sure we'll go to the range", but never does.
The CZ is a Czech handgun that the Czech police carry. It got very good reviews. My only complaint is the small caliber, 9mm. I had planned on teaching the girl to shot, but that fell by the wayside.
Next one is bigger, possibly a 1911 in .45ACP or just because they are cannons, a DE .50. Muzzle flash on them is WICKED! Plus I can blow my shoulders out of their sockets and collect disability. :devil:

Great gun site:

All you SOCOM players can find any gun in the game there.


oh and shhhh, but I have a 15rd clip too. :eek:

alachua 04-15-2006 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by the mike
I am so down for a TST range night.

I picked up a CZ75 P-01 about a year ago and have yet to put a round through it. Everyone says "sure we'll go to the range", but never does.
The CZ is a Czech handgun that the Czech police carry. It got very good reviews. My only complaint is the small caliber, 9mm. I had planned on teaching the girl to shot, but that fell by the wayside.
Next one is bigger, possibly a 1911 in .45ACP or just because they are cannons, a DE .50. Muzzle flash on them is WICKED! Plus I can blow my shoulders out of their sockets and collect disability. :devil:

oh and shhhh, but I have a 15rd clip too. :eek:

15 round magazines are completely legal, the assault weapons ban that made them illegal ended almost 2 years go.

.45's are nice, a Springfield GI edition is a good reliable firearm that won't set you back a ton. As for the hand cannons...they are great, until you have to buy rounds to put through them...then they tend to not get used. There is nothing wrong with a 9mm for home defense, I keep 10 rounds of Black Tallons in my magazine, ready to go. The size of the bullet only matters if you hit the target, and the only way to be sure you will do that is to shoot all the time. Plus buying 100 rounds of 9mm for $11 from Wally World is a nice convenience, since there is one between my house and the range, across the street from the Quizno's.

As for shooting, any time you guys want to roll up, I live about 5 miles from an out door range, but it isn't really geared for pistol. Though, I personally have been shooting pistol less lately, my eyes make it too hard (my right eye is very poor, and I am right handed).


the mike 04-15-2006 09:14 PM

In NJ? I was under the impression that I was not allowed to own it...?

alachua 04-15-2006 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by the mike
In NJ? I was under the impression that I was not allowed to own it...?

As best as I can find ( is down for me), NJ allows magazines up to 15 rounds.


alachua 04-16-2006 12:59 PM

Go here:


S4toSTI 04-16-2006 01:06 PM

Thats awosme.

the mike 04-16-2006 01:45 PM

15 rd clips are legal in NJ, just not NY.

WRXD 04-17-2006 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by S4toSTI
I am not saying that that model specifically is bad but overal i have heard not so great things about taurus quality thats all. If you like to shoot it and you can shoot it well then thats all that matters.

Ive read about this on many handgun forums, because a lot of people feel thes same way about Taurus' semi-autos. Its really a fallacy though- Taurus did have a problem with their first batches of the milenium pro line, but they fixed the problem and replaced all of the affected guns. Since then they have had this stigma as being 'crappy' or cheaply made handguns. They havent had any more documented problems than any other manufacturer since then. Reguardless, if you go into a gun shop 90% of the time the dealer will tell you not to buy taurus just stigma they have (also they just happen to be more competitively priced).

slavetothemuzic 04-17-2006 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by WRXD
Ive read about this on many handgun forums, because a lot of people feel thes same way about Taurus' semi-autos.

Also depends on what you're using the gun for. If it's being purchased for target shooting/fun only, then sure, save some cash and go with that.

If it's for home defense, are your families lives worth saving a few bucks?

Just another way to look at it when considering the quality vs price debate and making your decision between firearms.

raceMpower95 09-02-2006 06:51 PM

What do you guys think of the Walther P99? I've always thought it was by far the most ergonomical handgun, and the most comfortable to hold and shoot, but I don't know much about them. IE: reliability, durability, accuracy, etc...

Drftpretty 09-02-2006 06:59 PM

The guys who went to the freshworks meet saw a pic of my ex firing my AK47 at my birthday party last year on full auto.

2 feet of flames + a 105lb. girl + 50 round bananna clip= a good wall paper on my cell :)

Dave 09-02-2006 07:17 PM

anyone else own a FN FiveseveN? as for the ak vs colt debate id FAR rather carry an ak over here for the reliability alone, plus they are accurate to 300m whichis all you need anyway. OR you can spend a buttload of money and mod the colt till its actually worth something.

of course if the army'd let me have my way i'd say F you both and bring my M14

Aww my SKS wants to be a Dragunov when it grows up!

Prize of my collection, The Mateba 6 unica Autovolver .44mag. Togusa eat your heart out

Raven18940 09-02-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dave
Prize of my collection, The Mateba 6 unica Autovolver .44mag. Togusa eat your heart out

Seen Ghost in the Shell, eh? Awesome gun there.

And how unreliable are the M16's? :(

the mike 09-02-2006 07:48 PM

My next one might be a F57. I think I want a bigger caliber though.

Dave 09-03-2006 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Raven18940
Seen Ghost in the Shell, eh? Awesome gun there.

And how unreliable are the M16's? :(

Black rifles have a number of faults

#1 it has an open gas system instead of a proper pushrod system, this means that all the carbon and heat from firing are sent back down the gas tube and into the action. bottomline: the rifle overheats and gets dirty faster

#2 Magazines, all but one manufacturer (HK) make cheap, ****ty, thin metal magazines with an easily flippable plastic follower. these are easily bent and very often cause feeding problems. sometimes jamming a round between the bolt and the charging handle OR if the lips themselves are bent it might just empty all thirty rounds into the mag well. HK mags for comparison, are made of thick heavy metal with an all metal UN-flipable follower, teflon and marine coated

#3 controls, the charger is in the back, requiring you to pull the weapon from your shoulder. also the bolt release is on the high left side and MUST be hit with the left hand

#4 Firing pin, the pin is made of steel and taps the back of the round every time you let the bolt forward. 10-15 taps and the rifle fires. no trigger pull required.

should have been replaced a LONG time ago, and its a crying shame that the far superior G-36 based M8 rifle was rejected by the regular army based on a corperate "complaint" at least the spec ops guys get the FN SCAR
notice from my carbine, hk mag, extended bolt release/ charger handle, ak-74 muzzle brake (i removed the burst bar for automatic firing), you cant see it but i also have a light titanium firing pin. nothing i can do about the open gas system without a LOT of money. if i could get the army to foot the bill i'd take a shrike upper and call it a day

bms231 10-29-2006 02:08 AM

sweet... a firearm thread on TST too. here is what i have so far..

It took 4 cans of brake cleaner and about 6 hours of work to get all the friggin packaging grease out of this damn gun. here it is.....yugo sks w/ grenade launcher... for when u want to rain fire on ricers

and after i order a new stock.... here is what it will be.....

and my Sig Sauer SP2022 .40S&W w/ the 357 barel soon to come once i get more money.

BradC 10-29-2006 09:35 AM

Ohh...I love sigs. How's she shoot?

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