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S4toSTI 04-13-2006 04:03 PM

The official TST I like guns thread.
With random discussions every now and then about guns i thought i would make this thread.

ADDED 7/6/2010

Originally Posted by DC2.2GSR (Post 1766525)
just so you know, there's no 'trying' to get a silencer (suppressor). pay the tax, wait for the stamp, buy the suppressor. it's easy (which is badass) :mrgreen:

here i go again with the PAFOA link. lol. read everything. also check out

it's awesome that you want to get a gun, just make sure you do LOTS of research first. if you plan on carrying, get yourself mentally ready more than anything. there is a sh*tload of information out there and it takes some digging to find it all, but it's definitely worth every second of the time you'll put into it.

getting a PA LTCF is extremely easy (in most counties). Do a search on PAFOA for your county or visit the specific county section at the bottom of the main forum page. you should be able to find the little details about how your particular county does things. in my case, i parked my car.. walked into the police station where Berks county was holding a remote LTCF day, handed the guy $25, and walked out exactly 9 minutes later with my freshly printed LTCF.

Scapegoat 04-13-2006 04:05 PM

my little saturday night special was a hand-me-down. I still haven't fired it. I'm sure it could use a cleaning and oiling of the barrel. It hasn't been fired in at least 6-7 years.

I don't even have any ammo for it, it'll take anything but .22 magnums. I'd like to get something a little bit more intimidating for carry.

SilverTurboRidin 04-13-2006 04:06 PM

Guns are good. But should ALWAYS be kept away from kids. And me being a Ex-firefighter/emt i know the results of having a unprotected weapon in the household

Scapegoat 04-13-2006 04:07 PM

mine is in my underwear drawer. But 've got no if anyone breaks in, they're getting a face full of metal

SilverTurboRidin 04-13-2006 04:08 PM

i sleep with a killer ankle biter dog...that will RUIN your day

S4toSTI 04-13-2006 04:12 PM

Good start boys. Yeah a 22 will still scare someone but probably not injure them the way you want someone who is coming to kill your family injured.

C'DALERIDER 04-13-2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by SilverTurboRidin
i sleep with a killer ankle biter dog...that will RUIN your day

i have afew. Ive rec'tly descovered french creek outfitters up the street from my house. they have an indore fireing range and a killer archery range (i dont shoot). They have a great assortment of guns! Im getting something soon. Just cant decide between the rugar blackhawk-limited they have,beautiful gun (i like revolvers alot!), another small carrying semi or another assult rifle(they have a berreta there thats sweet vs ak47).

but i barely shoot the ones i have now so i may just wait alittle while.

Scapegoat 04-13-2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by S4toSTI
Good start boys. Yeah a 22 will still scare someone but probably not injure them the way you want someone who is coming to kill your family injured.

I'd prefer to give someone brain damage than kill them. :mrgreen:

S4toSTI 04-13-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Scapegoat
I'd prefer to give someone brain damage than kill them. :mrgreen:

Well ok if you hit them in the head with a 22 yeah it may hurt but say you hit a guy in the arm with a 22. He is gonna be hurt but if he is big and angry it is not gonna put him down.

S4toSTI 04-13-2006 04:17 PM

Right now i have a glock 19 and a ruger 10/22.

SilverTurboRidin 04-13-2006 04:23 PM

Yeah i usually carry a rocket launcher in my trunk...keeps them pesky bastards at bay

Scapegoat 04-13-2006 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by S4toSTI
Well ok if you hit them in the head with a 22 yeah it may hurt but say you hit a guy in the arm with a 22. He is gonna be hurt but if he is big and angry it is not gonna put him down.

if I have to shoot someone, specially with a 22, it is not going in the arm

S4toSTI 04-13-2006 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Scapegoat
if I have to shoot someone, specially with a 22, it is not going in the arm

You say that now... in the situation it is very different.

Scapegoat 04-13-2006 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by S4toSTI
You say that now... in the situation it is very different.

if their intent is to do harm to my family, friends, or myself. If they have a weapon, specially a gun, they're getting one in the noggin'. Specially if they are in my home, which is about the only place I can use the 22 since I do not have a license to conceal.

sesolcSTI 04-13-2006 05:14 PM

Now that i live in NJ, i dont have anything but an Airsoft 45 and an Airsoft MP5 with a laser sight.

When i was stationed in GA guns were very easy to obtain...about 5mins. There I owned a Tauras Millenium PT911 and an Inatech 9....also known as the Tech 9. It was preban with 2 30rd clips. Cool little gun with a bonus for the intimidation factor.

From being stationed in the sticks in Georgia, im pretty knowledgeable about guns, so if anyone has any questions hit me up and ill see if i can help. :thumbup:

igo4bmx 04-13-2006 05:18 PM

damn i should get my coworker to post in this thread lol
he has 5-6 guns..
i shot his .38 and .45 a couple weeks ago

sesolcSTI 04-13-2006 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by C'DALERIDER
i have afew. Ive rec'tly descovered french creek outfitters up the street from my house. they have an indore fireing range and a killer archery range (i dont shoot). They have a great assortment of guns! Im getting something soon. Just cant decide between the rugar blackhawk-limited they have,beautiful gun (i like revolvers alot!), another small carrying semi or another assult rifle(they have a berreta there thats sweet vs ak47).

but i barely shoot the ones i have now so i may just wait alittle while.

Go with an Ak for sure for the assault rifle! Absolutely flawless. Ive seen them kicked around in mud and picked up and fired like nothing ever happened. I also have seen a test where one was dropped from a helicopter onto pavement and picked up and fired. And the price ranges are pretty vast, so pretty much anybody can afford one. From $250-$300 for a Romanian AK. It gets progressively more expensive as you go higher quality (i.e. Egyptian (known as the Matti), Chinese, Russian). Sorry to go on and on, but to fire one of these guns is an awesome feeling, good stuff. :thumbup:

P.S. and trust me from experience...AK's are far superior to the American M-16 (AR-15) in terms of dependability. :wink:

TimmahWRX 04-13-2006 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by SilverTurboRidin
Yeah i usually carry a rocket launcher in my trunk...keeps them pesky bastards at bay

It's good for road-rage situations :mrgreen:

Personally, i have a couple airsoft guns (nice AEG's) and a very nice Beeman .20cal R9...that is very accurate. Eventually, i'm looking at getting a nice handgun...probably a glock 19 or something in 9mm

2point4DSM 04-13-2006 05:50 PM

I've got a German made air riffle. It was cool when I was in elementary school. Not sure it can even kill squirrels. My father-in-law says it just makes them jiggle a little bit before they eat up all the fruit on his trees.

markley02 04-13-2006 05:54 PM

I must agree with the AK over an AR-15 anyday. I have a scar in my left arm from an ar-15 blowing up. My friend who owns it is actually on the boards. We need to have a TST gun meet and go to a range.

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