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Conversation Between jdmwill and 1st240
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. jdmwill
    11-14-2008 01:21 PM
    just match the colores.
  2. 1st240
    11-14-2008 11:50 AM
    hey will is it hard to wire up a single cam maf for a daul cam maf on a ka
  3. jdmwill
    10-27-2008 12:39 AM
    yes if it is a five speed. make sure you take out the automatic pilot bushing and replace it with a 5sp one. also make sure you use a dohc throw out bearing.
  4. 1st240
    10-27-2008 12:00 AM
    yo will reece told me to come to you for stuff im not sure of i have a single cam stick 240 can i use my single cam trans when i do my dual cam swap.

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