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Conversation Between CleanNeon98 and static psi
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. CleanNeon98
    10-26-2009 05:33 PM
    I'm your long lost brother LOL
  2. static psi
    10-26-2009 05:25 PM
    static psi
    lol who are you. I think we have twins "our cars" lol. Where is some photos of your miata
  3. CleanNeon98
    10-15-2008 01:36 PM
    Yea the exhaust stock has a great tone, just too quiet. Ill eventually opt for a 2.5 inch turboback straightpipe, probbably with a high-flow cat and maybe a muffler looking section so I dont get harassed during inspection

    Im debating doing an FMIC as well

    Where do you live we gotta get some pix of the 2 together, they are twins!
  4. static psi
    10-15-2008 01:23 PM
    static psi
    it sounds toned not loud and fart like.. the fmic did not a whole lot it spools a little faster though but it was free
  5. CleanNeon98
    10-15-2008 12:44 PM
    Flyinmiata intake kit
    Flyinmiata Springs
    Flyinmiata Sways
    Vent mounted boost gauge

    How do you like the exhaust note with the muffler removed, and how did the bigger FMIC affect performance.
  6. static psi
    10-15-2008 12:36 PM
    static psi
    not much just a boost controler, boost gauge, custom intake, i cut off the mid muffer, and a bigger fmic.. You?
  7. CleanNeon98
    10-15-2008 12:29 PM
    not much
    anything done to your MSM?
  8. static psi
    10-15-2008 12:26 PM
    static psi
    hey whats up

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