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Conversation Between crazyduckme and TR MS3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. crazyduckme
    08-27-2009 04:08 PM
    Oh bummer... stupid bank! sorry to hear!
  2. TR MS3
    08-27-2009 03:12 PM
    TR MS3
    Honestly, it's been mixed emotions. We were supposed to settle tomorrow, but the bank dropped the ball.
  3. crazyduckme
    08-27-2009 02:57 PM
    Awww!!! Poor mazda!

    BUT, awesome that you're buying a house! That's exciting!!!
  4. TR MS3
    08-27-2009 02:24 PM
    TR MS3
    Yeah, I'm in the process of buying a house so my baby has been neglected.
  5. crazyduckme
    08-27-2009 02:11 PM
    I love my mazda3!!! Best purchase ever! I try to keep her clean always, but it's a tough job! :P
  6. TR MS3
    08-27-2009 01:52 PM
    TR MS3
    Wow, your 3 is really clean! ~~~~~MAZDA LOVE RIGHT BACK AT YA~~~~~
  7. crazyduckme
    08-27-2009 12:34 PM
    leaving some mazda love!!!!!

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