View Full Version : parking ticket question

04-07-2006, 12:43 AM
I just recieved a ticket today for parking in an area that you aren't allowed to on thursdays from 11-3 or something. So I was parked before the sign, close to the corner, there is no coloring on the curb. Doesn't a signs indications typically mean from that sign and forward, not backward too. This is in the borough of west chester, they obviously have ticket writing frenzies here, its bad. So I usually see people park behind signs that say permit parking only, and they never have tickets, I have done this myself to, because the sign implies that permit parking starts where the sign is, and not having recieved tickets for this in the past I thought it went for all signs unless otherwise stated. So why if I can park behind a permit sign and not get ticketed, why cant i park behind a "no parking during x hours" sign?

seriously, so much money down the drain because of parking tickets here, its terrible

04-10-2006, 07:17 PM